German Citizen
Energy Alliance BBEn

Bündnis Bürgerenergie e. V.

Our Mission

To create and support a democratic, local, 100% renewable energy system. An energy autonomy. Citizens owe and control their local renewable energy plants. All decision making is in their own hands. With the EUCENA project we want to support this process through education, networking and information exchange.

About German Citizen Energy Alliance BBEn

Founded in 2014, we serve energy cooperatives, energy communities, NGOs, renewable energy activists and producers as individuals or groups, and everyone who would like to engage in renewable energy locally and fight climate change.

We support about half a million energy-active citizens living in Germany, engaging mainly in photovoltaics and wind energy installations, including producing and using renewable energy and electric car sharing pools.

We seek to serve all who wish to engage in renewable energies, to harvest renewable energy locally, to organise as energy communities, energy cooperatives, or as individuals, and those who want to utilise solar, wind and other renewable energy resources.

Meet Our Partners

We have collaborated with, Women Engage for a Common Future, Electra Energy and Milleukontakt Albania to create a learning experience for you that can be transformed into action that will change the way you and your community live and engage with the world. Each of our partners is committed to energy transition. Our collaboration with our partners reaffirms our belief in the power of community. 

About Open Learning

The purpose of our Open Learning courses is to educate people on how to harness renewable energy and also offer sources of support and community that are essential for creating long-term sustainable energy systems. The courses are accessible and designed to empower you with knowledge and feasible action steps.


Our comprehensive courses created by experts are free of cost.


You will receive certification once you complete the course.


The courses are available online and can be accessed easily.

MOOC Creators & Support Team

Meet the team behind this MOOC journey.


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